Holistic Pulsing is a body-oriented, holistic form of therapy. A method for deeply relaxing the body. This is achieved by using a special quality of touch to put the body into a rocking/pulsating/swinging movement that spreads like waves over muscles, tendons and joints. Every muscle in the body, no matter how small, can enter a very deep state of relaxation. Feel good, find yourself, experience a feeling of lightness, be free from everyday thoughts and worries, find balance, completely calm down, relax, just "be" and be held for a whole hour.
Pulsing can be combined very well with walking with a cane. If you do it for a few minutes beforehand, the pulsing can have an even more intense effect. Our feet are a very, very important part of our body. They carry us through life, step by step, meter by meter, every single day, throughout our entire lives. We should praise them and be grateful to them every day for that. Walking with a cane activates the foot reflex zones and thus reaches the whole body on a small level. When pulsing, I also work a lot on the feet, the reflex zones, meridians and chakras.
"Pulsing and walking with a stick as a combination are a true masterpiece for deep relaxation and I can highly recommend the GeMa sticks for this - for more well-being and for health."
You can find more information about Petra at: www.petra-bleiweiss.com
Dear Petra, how time flies - we have now been together for three years in our joint practice, Living & Learning . It is therefore particularly important to me to thank you for the great collaboration. I really appreciate your warmth coupled with your professional competence. You always have a friendly word and a smile, even when things get hectic, you are the calm center of the practice. We and I (Marion) are particularly pleased that the GeMa Stock is also being used in your field of expertise, "Holistic Pulsing", and is having a helpful effect.
Many thanks for your support!
Gerald & Marion