March 15, 2024 was a particularly exciting moment for me (Marion). I was able to introduce the GeMa stick to my mentor and midwife from the very beginning, the physio & craniosacral therapist Sabine Kulterer, for the first time. Sabine has been accompanying me for several months. During a treatment that I regularly treat myself and my body to, Sabine said: "You have so much energy (ideas & visions) in your head, you should bring it down to earth (implement it). My answer to that was: I have the feeling I'm " stuck ." As I had spoken these words, I suddenly saw in my mind's eye my beloved "stuck stick" (Carinthian = stick 😊) and immediately thought of "stick walking". One day later, I gave a talk at the Vitalakademie's mental trainer training. The focus of this seminar day was solution techniques and, among other things, "stick walking". In this mental trainer training group 2023, statements like "When are you finally going to write a book? Please do a podcast, the things you tell us and show us are so valuable and helpful - it has to get out into the world." Apart from the seminars that I lead, I am not a person who likes to be in the spotlight or the center of attention. My motivation is intrinsic. I hear sentences like this again and again and the integrated praise makes me very happy, but actually implementing such things is not or was not on my Big 5 list. To do that, I would have to leave my beloved comfort zone and get moving. In my opinion, there are enough books and podcasts that deal with self-help and personal development anyway. After this course, Gerald's fateful question came.😊 With her gentle touches, Sabine set something that was previously "stuck" deep inside me in motion. Thanks to her and the many timely "coincidences", we are at this point today, 4 months later.
As a physio & craniosacral therapist, Sabine focuses on maintaining and improving natural movement patterns and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The aim of physiotherapy is to prevent movement disorders, to achieve optimal freedom of movement and pain, to accelerate the healing process and to help people become independent. Craniosacral therapy is a gentle way of examining and treating the connective tissue, particularly the craniosacral system. The aim of the therapy is to achieve comprehensive relaxation of the craniosacral system and to stimulate the body's self-healing powers.
At the same time on March 15, 2024, Claudia Monay, a physiotherapist and osteopath who also practices at the Sumus practice, was there and I had the opportunity to introduce her to the GeMa stick. Osteopathy is a holistic method that uses hands for diagnosis and therapy. The most important principles are the functioning of the human body as a unit, its ability to self-regulate and heal itself, and the interplay of structure and function. Claudia's treatment aims to correct limitations in the mobility of structure and tissue and thereby restore physical and mental well-being. Osteopathy includes work on all body structures: structural osteopathy (joints and muscles), visceral osteopathy (internal organs) and craniosacral osteopathy (connection between the skull, spine and sacrum). The aim of the treatment is to help the body function as well as possible by improving mobility and blood circulation.
There I was standing in front of Sabine & Claudia, excited with my cane in my hand and fully motivated to demonstrate walking with a cane. What happened next completely surprised me and I hadn't expected it at all. Both Sabine and Claudia looked at the cane and immediately "discovered the therapeutic potential in the handy GeMa cane". It makes me incredibly happy that we can all learn and benefit from each other, no matter how different our approaches are. One does not exclude the other - that's how co-creation works. Both therapists are among those people who were able to test the GeMa cane before the shop opened. Claudia now describes herself as being "in love with the cane". The GeMa cane natural beech is not only her favorite, but is also very popular with her patients.
Dear Sabine, dear Claudia! Thank you very much for your openness and enthusiasm. This moment with you was extraordinary and WONDERful for me (Marion). The personal feedback from you after a week, dear Claudia, touched me and us deeply. Your other ideas with GeMa and your suggestion to start a short GeMa introductory session for therapists is also very valuable to us and we have integrated it in the shop as a free workshop: “GeMa for getting to know each other”.
We are very pleased about our cooperation and are very excited to see how the project: "Gema Stock accompanies physiotherapists" develops further.
You can find more information about Sabine Kulterer & Claudia Monay at:
We would like to thank you both very much.
Gerald & Marion