Here we are...
Marion WallnerReview:
The last few months and weeks have been super exciting for us. In mid-November 2023, Gerald said to me rather casually: "Think about your sticks and then write down a rough concept - then we'll take a look." The next morning, Gerald received not just a rough concept, but a complete GeMa concept. I couldn't sleep all night and put everything that came to mind, and that was a lot (product name, Feng Shui dimensions and colors, packaging, stick symbolism, 5 elements, meridians, feet, hands, head, holistic approach, acupressure) on paper. Gerald was completely surprised by the wealth of information! This was followed by many discussions, many sleepless, productive and creative nights and the project became more and more concrete. The next step was on November 21st, 2023, that evening we checked whether the domain www.stockgehen.at was available and then bought it immediately. That was the starting signal for Gerald. He also often sat for days and nights to create and design the GeMa Shop according to our ideas. Gerald organized everything that our project needed to get started and will continue to organize everything that is needed for further implementation. From the logo to the sticks (we are starting with 300 pieces), Gerald had valuable contacts who were willing to implement our ideas. The product cards and stickers were designed and commissioned by us. Gerald also had the idea of developing a previously unique Shiatsu stick with a non-slip coating. The first sticks have already been tested with this coating and are still being optimized. The further test phase of the non-slip Shiatsu sticks will then be carried out by the Shiatsu School Carinthia - Mag. David Dapra and two very competent Shiatsu practitioners: Daniela Scheder and Stefan Metzler. Everything else fell into place almost by itself, thanks to the people and contacts in our environment. We talked about our idea and vision and found people who were willing to support us. You can find more information about these special people under the link: Heart project >Thank you.
The whole process of creating the idea was and is so exciting. The encounters and conversations were and are warm and inspiring. Very often it was about the really big issues in our lives, such as: realizing dreams, finding meaning and going our own way, but also how important it is to find like-minded people - people with whom you can exchange ideas and who support each other. "Cooperation instead of competition."
We were very touched on December 8th, 2023 after meeting Jessica. We (Jessica & Marion) have been friends for over 45 years. A year ago, Jessica fulfilled her "childhood dream" and bought herself a sewing machine. She loves her new hobby, took a sewing course and has been sewing beautiful handbags as a special gift for friends ever since. For her, this is a wonderful balance to her very challenging job. Jessica loves what she does and is living her dream. She immediately agreed to support my mother Lisi, who made us the prototypes of the bags. Jessica also tested the snap fasteners for the bags and spent hours testing their durability. In addition, Jessica is sewing the first hundred GeMa stick bags . If these bags are well received, we will commission the work project at pro mente kärnten GmbH in Klagefurt or Lebenshilfe Kärnten to continue producing the "Jessi stick bags". In this way, we would support people with special needs, for whom long-term jobs could be created and maintained.
We didn't just want to dream either, but do things that fulfill us, make sense and are fun. It is an incredibly beautiful experience to see and experience what is possible when you set out on the journey. No more just waiting - for what or who - actually!? We no longer wanted to concern ourselves with the things that we cannot change anyway and that keep us in a constant problem trance. We experienced such uplifting, beautiful and strengthening moments and were able to learn a lot of new things during this process, which is not yet over.
12.2.2024 Summary: "Gratitude and Joy"
We have reached the birth phase and are already very excited about the moment when we hold our Gema stick in our hands for the first time. Will everything be as we imagined and developed it? Will the logo look gold - or will we have to choose a different color in the future!? What will the product information and the cards we create look like? Will the font fit? Will the sticks be delivered on time so that we can start the test phase on time? Will our photos and the video be ready on time? Will the coating of the Shiatsu sticks convince the Shiatsu practitioners? It remains exciting...
We want to start the test phase on February 24th, 2024 and exactly one month later, on March 24th, 2024, we will put the GeMa Shop online.
The first GeMa sticks will soon be sent to our testers and later to our customers and "packaged with love by Marion." Accompanied by our wish to make the person who ordered them, i.e. you 😉 or the recipient, happy. We are already a little excited and are waiting with anticipation for the first feedback. This project is a big step for us. We have left our comfort zone and are entering new territory.
True to the motto: “ If you want to arrive, you have to set out on the journey, because none of us knows what is possible without trying.”
It continues...
Gerald & Marion